Saturday, October 22, 2011

my cup of coffee

I did not know what to take pictures of, so I decided on something I love, coffee.

Rural Life

These photos were taken in the Rural South African Village of Tshabo. Great times.


Just a few from my time in Paris

More of Logan

So, as I am a new aunt I have become slightly obsessed with my nephew. This will more than likely not be last time you see photos of him.

A weekend at the Lake

These photos were all taken at my friends lake house. Clearly I was interested learning a little bit more about taking pictures of the silhouettes of objects.


These photos are all from my time in Norway,; one of my favorite places in Europe.

Elephant and Cheetah

These are old pictures newly edited. Keeping this blog has been a great opportunity to enhance my editing skills and knowledge.  And I saw these animals on a game drive in South Africa. I loved it.

Northern Ireland

Northern Ireland still is a part of the UK and in my opinion feels like a completely different country. It is filled still with tension and separation between the Protestant and catholics. The cities are filled with many powerful and moving pieces of artwork and other sites.

This may need a bit of explanation. This is a photo of a sign used in the protest with the troubles in Ireland. The big dark spot in the middle is a blood stain.

The city of Belfast is cover ed in murals, most are political. Some change monthly and some remain from the troubles.